Sueanne's Story Unfolds

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Why I find life interesting

There is a purpose and reason for things to happen. Be it good or bad. But in all situations, I must be content and hold on to what I believe in.
Tho I don't know the future, I know the One who holds my future - God. You may find it weird, but yeah, I don't know how my life would be like if I never knew Him - I wouldn't have a reason to live for, no hope.... what then is this life is we have nothing to live for? Surely not growing up, getting an education and a good job, then getting married, have kids, grow old.... then what? Wait to die?

Speaking of which, this is very true... my own grandma is old and weak. I went home last week and visited her many times. Everytime I see her, she would say to my mum, "You know how difficult is it? Want to die also cannot." My heart breaks to see her and hear her say that. She is so fragile and really, is waiting for her time to come.

Which brings me to think, isn't it so sad? Is life towards the end like this? Waiting to just die? Then what next?

This incident really reaffirms my faith. That life is more than going through the motion of life itself. I know that I have a destiny, a purpose to fulfill, a task (or in fact many tasks) to accomplish... and in the midst of going through all the trials and tribulations of life, I know that there is someone above watching over me. Someone to guide me, to reassure me and to love me.

And this is not just a one way thing.. but in return, my heart is so filled with thanksgiving that I want to tell others about this great Person. And that I also look forward to the day when my life here ends... so that I will be with Him forever.

Monday, October 22, 2007

A weird dream

I was involved in a serious crime. I planned a robbery and had someone killed to cover it up... think it was an accidental death.

I ran, and tried to hide...

It was a really long night. I dreamt I ran... but there was just no where to hide! I suddenly felt remorseful and wished that the nightmare had not begun... That I could undo the things I had done. Wished I could return to where it all started. What was I even thinking? How could I do such a crime?

I remembered feeling extremely bad... no words could describe it. Then I woke up.

Obviously I didn't have a good sleep. As I was thinking through this weird dream, it was as though God was speaking to me...

That is how "sin" is. That is how heavy it feels. We can't take it away. We can't do anything about it.

"But you know what?" I felt God said. "I have taken them all away. My blood has cleansed you."

Then I came to realise that yes, God has given each of us a chance to begin life anew. A life where all your past are forgiven. Where He gives us another chance to life again... a new man.

That is what I am :)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Interesting video... do watch it till the end

Another week has gone.... my thoughts

Its amazing how fast time flies.... things just hits you at lightning speed!

This week was quite interesting. Went back to the client's place to do test of controls and walk through. Quite fun, but tedious.

Came back to office and found out that facebook has been banned! My goodness, the IT dept is super good. I know they will eventually know about it. Just like how they found we were using skype - and they found a way to uninstall it by itself! So now, back in office with no engagements for 3 weeks! Manz, how bored can that be? I feel more tired doing nothing.

But at least for now, when nobody pages for me or throw me something to do, I can learn mandarin. hahaa, found this website with quite a comprehensive and systematic way of learning . so hope to learn as much as I can.

Can u imagine that people actually think i speak mandarin more than english? faintzzz... that's why la, need to pick up more mandarin.

Anyway, thurs night, had my mentor group outing dinner at Grand Copthorne Hotel - cafe Brio's. Quite nic eto get to know more people in my group. We ate and talked till 11pm! goodness. FOod was ok, i like the dessert and salad :) and fondue.... k, first time trying it!

So, in my 3 months of work, I have eaten 2 buffets here. So Singaporean.... shop, eat... wat else is there? On another note, I saw a book at life bookshop. The title went "A 50 dollar buffet and a 25 cent meal". Being me, I picked it up and browse through it. the book was on 1side pcitures taken during the authors journey to 3rd world countries... and on the other side, his reflection.

My heart broke seeing the pictures. Many people are still so poor that they die because of hunger. Today's news report that almost a billion are still below poverty line...

and here we are splurging.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Some updates about me

The past week was quite hactic as we went down to a client's place and had t o finish our limted reivew work in 3 days as the partner wanted to reivew it by Friday. So piah every day till about 7.30pm everyday. Then I would rush off to attend a lecture at Trinity Theological College. 3 days in a row, had no dinner! think my waist got slimmer! haha

Attended an audition for the worship choir. Has a great time with the people there. We started off with a time of worship and it was great. Then each of us had to sing 2 songs; followed by test of technical skills. I was nervous till my voice shook! I say man...

Something firvilous.. had been eating fast food so often, i think i'm scared of it! especially kfc :S and also 2 days in a row i ate ice cream. how nice... think i piled on the calories again.

Manage to use this weekend to catch up with 2 dear people. We shared and talked... and its amazing that when people ask me how am i, i have so much to share and thank God for. We talked about work, direction in life, wat we want in life, relationships, God, church, cell, being in a foreign place etc etc.... But i guess even after hearing myself talk, i realize that my perception of life is quite different...

K, got to ciao.... catch me on facebook ppl.

Monday, October 01, 2007

New Start

Sueanne makes a promise to Him.

She will remember a verse a day.
To study the Word diligently. No excuse. This will replace the time she spends on the internet.
She will pray and pray and pray!

I thank God for today. Went early to work today... to join a small gorup of believers to pray. How good God is. He saw that I longed to meet other believers who are working in the same office. And how He made the arrangements where totally beyond what I could think.

Usually, I'll be the one to start the initiative. But this time, I receive a sms from someone I didn't even know! Well, to cut the long story short, this person told me that there was a group which started meeting a week ago to pray! I was so excited!

Anyway, I hope that from this small group, we can encourage each other and hopefully go beyond praying. Perhaps launching out some activities to reach out to people - who knows like Christmas carol, lunch time fellowships etc.

Never despise the day of new beginnings. I still remember how we prayed in CCS everyday before school. Looking back, I didn't know what in the wide world drove us to do such thing. But I believe its the passion and youth - that could have run out as we grow older.... its the passion to see revival in this land once again.

Start in me.