Sueanne's Story Unfolds

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Monday, October 22, 2007

A weird dream

I was involved in a serious crime. I planned a robbery and had someone killed to cover it up... think it was an accidental death.

I ran, and tried to hide...

It was a really long night. I dreamt I ran... but there was just no where to hide! I suddenly felt remorseful and wished that the nightmare had not begun... That I could undo the things I had done. Wished I could return to where it all started. What was I even thinking? How could I do such a crime?

I remembered feeling extremely bad... no words could describe it. Then I woke up.

Obviously I didn't have a good sleep. As I was thinking through this weird dream, it was as though God was speaking to me...

That is how "sin" is. That is how heavy it feels. We can't take it away. We can't do anything about it.

"But you know what?" I felt God said. "I have taken them all away. My blood has cleansed you."

Then I came to realise that yes, God has given each of us a chance to begin life anew. A life where all your past are forgiven. Where He gives us another chance to life again... a new man.

That is what I am :)


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