Sueanne's Story Unfolds

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Wish I was home...

Its recess week...but I don't feel like it is...hmmm... maybe because I just went home for 6 days! haha! It was really good to be home. After 6 weeks out here battling (literally, hahaha), tired, and really in need of TLC, mama's touch and my twinie's hugz =)

I am so hopelessly a family and homely person. But, being away from home has made me strong, not afraid of being alone... I remembered I was so scared to be left alone last time. But I hope it has not made a a person that is too independant... my daddy says that it will really be a turn off point for guys. They feel intimidated to approach a girl whom they see as 'able to manage everything on their own, no weak spot' kind (maybe a bit 'agressine'?, dunno what is the correct word).... yeah, daddy was making noise about me not having a boyfriend yet. Well, I guess circumstances have made me this way... and I am hoping the guy God has prepared for me (if he really has) will be someone who will be about to lead me and is as independant.. . I told daddy that I may appear to be all sufficient, but I am definitely willing to submit myself to someone. I never like taking the lead, unless needed. Then daddy asked me what kind of guy I was looking for. I told him it would be someone like him ;p

Yes, had a good chit chat with daddy.. he came down just to accompany me back to Melaka for CNY. Though it cost me quite a bomb to buy to bus ticket during peak season!

Then mummy... I just want to manja her... she wants me to manja me too.. hehe...

My joep, I really love you! I miss talking to her. She's the only one whom we can trust each other. And the one with whom we can share our passion with - God. We can talk endlessly about it.

Only my bro... hmm.. we seem to drift.. but still blood is thicker than water. We still talk about work, movies, gadgets and all... pray that one day, ko, you will find that passion in God, and remember the One who spared your life and know that there is a purpose for that. I pray that you will not live your life idlely, but instead give your life to serving Him, as you once wanted to. You are to be like Isaac, whom Abraham gave unto the Lord... what has become of that?

Family aside, CNY was really a good time of family reunion, meeting up with classmates... food and food and food! until I couldn't take it! But it is also sad to see that only my family and our paternal grandma and uncle's family is saved among our extanded family and my classmates...except for maybe 4... out of the about 56 of us. But thank God one just came to the Lord last year... my sis had the priviledge of reaping that harvest.

Went to OMF's prayer meeting for Japan all the way in Kembangan. Thank GOd I met Qi Bin (a former MEET Japan tripper). Otherwise I won't know a single soul there! And the first person I shook my hands with was the NTUCF alumni contact I got. God really made sure I didn't feel left out. It was good to hear the sharing of people who had gone there. And also to see a couple who is preparing to leave this year.... Ah, to hear their testimony really moved my heart. And I wish that one day I could share such a testimony.

They both grew up in church and went through CF in their varsity years. Both always had missions at the back of their minds and weren't sure if it was their calling. But when they met, missions was they thing they talked about. It was through their marriage that they knew their calling to missions were confirmed. And know they are preparing to be sent.

I remember reading about Rolland and Heidi Baker. How God told her to break of from her fiancee and marry Rolland, who had the same calling as her. And now, after so many years, they are still effectively serving the Lord in orphanages in Africa. Thousands of children have been blessed and saved.

If finding a partner could be as easy as that.... k, I blabbing...

Friday, February 16, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year

To everyone :)

Back in Melaka... Just hope I won't put on weight with all the intake of food! Haha..

and in the midst of all the prosperous feasting and angpows, let us remember those in poverty.. many in the world are living on less than US$2 a day....

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Continued from previous...

10/2 Saturday... I must admit by that day I was tired. I begin this sem thinking it was going to be light. But no. I am struggling here to manage time and work. Anyway, went to church for a Zone outreach meeting. Thank God, a friend came along with me, throguh a last minute sms. God works in ways I cannot understand. But I hope she was touched somehow.

We met 1.5 hours earlier to pray for the event. But Wenhui felt that we should instead continue to praise God and edify our spirit as there was a sense of heaviness. Yeah, I must have carried my burdens there. But as I just close my eyes, forget everything and just focus on giving my God the worship, His presence was just there and I felt a release. Yeah. I mean it was so real. Not an emotion, but I just know it in my spirit. If worship would be like this all the time.

Anyway they showed a documentary on a life of a taiwanese actor. Christian, young and just got married. Diagnose with cancer just after wedding. Tragic, suffering... Good looking, but because of the cancer, his physical body just wasted away and his face was beyond recognition. I mean it looked really awfull. Told that he just had 3 months to live. What he did really blew my mind. He spent the last lap of his life going round testifying about Jesus' love and the gospel. From a man who had life and all he could ever dreamed of and had everything taken from him and now about to die... I wonder if I could ever have faith like that. He return to be with the Lord. His wife stayed with him through out and continued testifying of the Lord's goodness.

I guess the few things I learnt or was challenged:
Come what may, will we still praise the Lord?
Life may just take a turn for the worst. Are we prepared? Do you know what lies ahead of you when you die?

11/2 Sunday... Church... well something funny happen after that. There was a survey on all the singles in the church... quite amusing at what happen. Enuf said. If got time i will blog.

Met up with Hong Anh and we went to Mustafa. Really can find everything under the roof. Branded Swiss watches to massages and groceries! Still keep in touch with her. Wonder if she will ever understand the gospel...

12/2 Monday... MEET TBS 5 on Prayer and Missions. Learn what the Lord's prayer is and how we must pray for missions. Ask me if you want to know more.

13/2 Tuesday again. Really dislike it. Loonnnggg day 10 hours non-stop! Who can take it? Tired, really tired.... God sustain me, please. MEET and study and CF is stretching me...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Pressed but not crushed

Last week was an awesome week despite my lack of time.

6/2 Tuesday was the longest day in my life here. Started at 7am for Leader's meeting. Class 8.30 to 6.30pm, non stop. Brain dead. Rushed all the way to church for Training and Equiping and came back only at 11pm. No dinner...physically, I didn't know how I managed to pull through. God's strength certainly took over.

Continued the study on church history. From the reformation, we went on to the great awakening. It was the era where mass evangelism spread under george Whitefield, the methodist movement under the wesleys and the birth of modern missions - count Zinzendorf and the moravians, William Carrey, David Livingstone, Hudson Taylor and many more. Next the 19th century was the Pentecostal movement. Where it was the move of revival with people like Charles Finney, George Muller, Dwight Moody, William Booth, Charles Spurgeon, Rees Howells, Charles Parham and Smith Wigglesworth. It was in this century, the Azuza Street revival and Welsh revival occured.

The similarity between the most of these people was that they desired to uphold holiness and lived righteous, simplistic life and had a intense prayer life. Am I up to it?

7/2 Wednesday... CG was membership drive. Had a personal chat with my 2 cgms and got to know them much much better after that. Told them of my passion for student/campus ministry. Though they don't seem to be that eager, I hope they will see the importance. Though I know God has different calling for everyone.

8/2 Thursday... NTU's first campus day of prayer. It was great to see Christians gather together as one to pray for the school. There was also a sharing about prayer. And the speaker once again the Azuza and Welsh revival, and how it started through prayer. God must be reinforcing it to me.... Yes, God, teach me to have a prayer life like that.

Monday, February 05, 2007

What if I give it all?

He heard the preacher say a single dime can feed
A hungry boy or girl with nothing to eat
So he pulled a dollar from the pocket of his jeans
And he asked his mama how many will this feed
She just smiled and when she told him ten
He reached back again

What if I give all I have?
What will that gift do?
My child a gift like that could change the world
It could feed a multitude
He didn’t close his eyes or turn away
He saw the need and I can hear him say
What if I gave all

Three birthday dollars could have bought a special toy
But he reminds me of another little boy
Who gave to Jesus a gift of fish and bread
I wonder if he said


And long ago a Father and a Son
Saw the children lost in sin
Can you see the tears in the Father’s eyes
As Jesus says to Him

What if I give all I have?
What will that gift do?
My Son, that gift will change the world
It will free the multitudes
What if I give all I have?
What will that gift do?

My child, a gift like that can change the world
It could feed a multitude
We cannot close our eyes and turn them away
When we hear His Spirit call
We see the need now, let us hear us say
What if I give all?
What if I give all?
Ray Boltz 1996

This song was inspired by the young boy who gave the little of what he had to Jesus and it was multiplied that it fed thousands of people (John 6)
Let's learn to give all that we have to God. Let Him multiply it and bless the multitude.

Crazy Christians Wanted

Last MEET Joint Meeting, a person from Care Channels came down to share with us his journey in life. Though only 43 years old, he has served the Lord in many ways. Even 7 years in the Philipines, working in the slumps, helping the very very poor people. Well, he shared how it was working with them... the sad stories, the trying times....

He ended by saying that many have requested him to go overseas to Pakistans, East Timor etc to help the poor there. But his hands are already full, working for Care Channels here, missions and church. What his prayer request was that many would step up and be crazy (radical) people, to serve God. That coming from a man who gave up his SGD100,000 pay job (not including bonuses etc) and from a pretty comfortable life (his wife is a doctor)... he uprooted himself to be sent to the fields... to work in the slumps of Philipines!

No coincidence, I was reading the book on student power in world missions. It gave a brief history of how student movement impacted the world missions movement. Thousands were send overseas as a result. But they responded to that call when they were still university students. Eg the Wesley brothers from Oxford, CT Studd and the other 6 from Cambridge, Jim Elloit and co, Hudson Taylor, Samuel Mills (who started the Haystack movement) etc. All these men rose up, dedicated themselves to missions, and went out. Great exploits. Many died for the gospel.

Crazy Christians.

Count me in.

Am at crossroads in my life. Going to step put to work soon

Don't want to go with the flow...

I know God is teaching me. May I life live worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.