Sueanne's Story Unfolds

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Pressed but not crushed

Last week was an awesome week despite my lack of time.

6/2 Tuesday was the longest day in my life here. Started at 7am for Leader's meeting. Class 8.30 to 6.30pm, non stop. Brain dead. Rushed all the way to church for Training and Equiping and came back only at 11pm. No dinner...physically, I didn't know how I managed to pull through. God's strength certainly took over.

Continued the study on church history. From the reformation, we went on to the great awakening. It was the era where mass evangelism spread under george Whitefield, the methodist movement under the wesleys and the birth of modern missions - count Zinzendorf and the moravians, William Carrey, David Livingstone, Hudson Taylor and many more. Next the 19th century was the Pentecostal movement. Where it was the move of revival with people like Charles Finney, George Muller, Dwight Moody, William Booth, Charles Spurgeon, Rees Howells, Charles Parham and Smith Wigglesworth. It was in this century, the Azuza Street revival and Welsh revival occured.

The similarity between the most of these people was that they desired to uphold holiness and lived righteous, simplistic life and had a intense prayer life. Am I up to it?

7/2 Wednesday... CG was membership drive. Had a personal chat with my 2 cgms and got to know them much much better after that. Told them of my passion for student/campus ministry. Though they don't seem to be that eager, I hope they will see the importance. Though I know God has different calling for everyone.

8/2 Thursday... NTU's first campus day of prayer. It was great to see Christians gather together as one to pray for the school. There was also a sharing about prayer. And the speaker once again the Azuza and Welsh revival, and how it started through prayer. God must be reinforcing it to me.... Yes, God, teach me to have a prayer life like that.


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