Sueanne's Story Unfolds

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

My Testimony

Here's a piece pf my testimony I wrote for my mission trip... hope it'll bless you!

When I was young, before I knew about God , I was an unhappy child. I didn’t like the way I looked and was a very sensitive person – easily hurt by small remarks. For example I will be very upset when people say “stupid” or “fatty”. Negative thoughts always crept into my mind and I will start condemning myself, thinking that nobody understood me. I was also fearful – afraid of rejection by my friends, schoolmates and people around me. I was also fearful of the future. For example - What am I going to be when I grow up? Will I be accepted?

My parents became Christians when I was around 6 years old. It was then that I started attending Sunday school and heard about Jesus. The Christians told me that Jesus was the Son of God who gave up His place in heaven and came down to earth to die for the world. But Jesus did not just die, He rose again after three days.

Did you know that Jesus died for you and me?

We were all in sin, separated from God. As a punishment of sin, we had to die. But God, our Father who created us, wanted us to come back to Him. And as any father, He didn’t want us to suffer and so He sent Jesus, His son to die at our place. So now, the way to God is opened to all who will belief in Jesus.

When I heard this, I felt comforted that someone would love me. I believe in Jesus. By my parent’s encouragement, I got baptized when I was eleven years old. This step was necessary to say that I wanted to follow Jesus and declare that from that day on, I will be a Christian. Since then, I diligently read the Bible and prayed to God. Day by day, God became more real to me. He was not just any other god whom my ancestors worship – one who seems so far away and is waiting to see if you have done anything wrong so that he could punish you. No, the God I knew was one that loved everyone and desires for each one of us to be near Him. He is interested in us. Slowly, as I began to walk closely to God, I discovered more about Him. It was like a relationship with a very close friend.

After becoming a Christian and as I walked with God everyday, I discovered how much He loves each one of us and that He cares. He sees each one of us as uniquely and beautifully made, with a purpose. I realized that God, even though I don’t see Him, is with me and He fully understands the situation that I’m in. He understood the pain I went through when others said the negative things about me – when I felt lonely, as though nobody loves me and that my birth was a mistake. He too went through the worst rejection when He had to die for us.

Besides, I discovered what it means to have God in my life. By knowing there is a God, I know there is someone who is in control of the things that are happening all around me – the past, the present and even future. By knowing God is with me, I know that there is someone whom I can turn to when I am in trouble. By knowing that God created us and that we are by no accident gave me a sense of purpose in life.

Knowing that God is creator of everything has also helped me understand that He has laid a plan for each one of us. We are created for a purpose and that there was no mistake when God created me. There was a point when I was at a cross road in life and I really didn’t know what to do with my future. It was then that God gave me this verse in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you… plans to give you a hope and a future”. This verse reminded that God has planned everything for me and I do not have to worry.

It has been more than 10 years since my baptism. God has been and still is good to me. He saw me through my childhood and delivered me from being one who is unhappy and fearful to one that is happy and contented with life. I overcame the fear of rejection and of the future by knowing God loves me and has my future laid down in advance. I now live my life knowing that there is a purpose for all things that happened and there is no fear of the future. Though it is unknown, but I know the One who holds the future.

I will like to end of my sharing by asking that you ponder upon the things I have shared. Are you living in fear as I was last time? Are you feeling as though life had no purpose?
God has changed my life. He can change yours too.


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