Sueanne's Story Unfolds

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

End of MEET

Yup, today is officially the last MEET (Missions Education and Exposure Training) meeting. And considering that our batch will be the last batch for this program, it is really the last. MEET will be changed to G3 - God, Glory, Gospel.

My heart is filled with thanksgiving and I really stand in awe of Him.

Thank Him for seeing me through this year. Having to balance study and a huge commitment to this program - it was not easy, but looking back, it was really all worth it. His grace has trully, trully been sufficient. And thinking back, it was exactly the same verse my M'ca pastor gave me just before I left to study here. I think my life is trully a testimony of God's grace and goodness. Just that many times, I forget to count my blessings. We are so forgetful people... we must learn to count them one by one. Then we will realise how good God has been, will be and always is.

I thank God for the friendships made. Maureen, Shirlene and Annie. Thanks girls! I really enjoyed the time we had in throughout this MEET journey. Hope we continually keep each other accountable.

I thank God that it realligned, reconfirmed my worldview...whatever you call it. I've always been inspired by missionaries. Having gone through MEET, I learnt a lot more on missions. Too much, can't be written into words.

I guess the main challenge now for me is where do i go from here? Now that I know how missions is THE heartbeat of God and the general call for us is to go into all the world to preach the gospel... what changes am I gonna make in my life?

I hope that years down the road, I won't be caught up in the rat race of life. Building myself a career, earning tons of money...yup, these are blessings from God, but I hope that it will not become a restrain, that restircts me from obeying God's command to go serve Him in whatever way He wants me too.

So for now, as I am still settling down into working life, I pray that I will live life with a mindset that I am at God's disposal. To live a simple life, not to take too deep roots... To constantly remind myself of the greater calling God has upon our lives... to live for His glory.

Praying that I will learn to live out my testimony. So that it becomes so obvious that God lives in me. In my conduct, my speech etc.

And also to keep myself updated about missions. Am still wondering ow to go about this.

Support those in the field and Christian organisations helping out in Creative Access Nations.

I guess having Christ is so worth everything that all else is rubbish. My team just had a TBS on Paul, the making of a missionary. And doing a background study on Paul, he is trully a guy who seemed to had everything in his time. He's really there... you know what I mean. Yet, after his encounter with Christ, he was totally changed. He suffered so much for the sake of the gospel. Ended up as a prisoner. Tragic the world may think.

Also reminded of the many people who gave their lives for His sake. Jim Elloit and his 4 friends who died trying to reach out to the Aucas. Tragic, in the world's view. But see the fruit out of this event. The Aucas have now been saved.

Just pray that I will run this race well. That at the end of it, when I meet Him, He will say well done, good and faithful servant.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


That's me! Can't believe time flies! I'm the only one wearing a long skirt! haha...

Anyway, life is not that great upon graduation. Earn money, but huge repsonsibility. And in auditing, what can be better! I worked till 8.30 on m first day and 10pm on the second.

And i really hope that Mr. Right will come soon.... sometimes i wonder why all the good guys are taken while those available (and fits my criteria) just say "pray about it"? Maybe because I'm the kind to also pray about it hahaha! and it saddens me that those I kinda liked and wished could be the one has been "taken away"....pray that only God will bring us together if it really is His will.

*sorry about my language cos no time to write properly!

Monday, July 23, 2007

i need to cheer up!

am feeling bit discouraged. guess cos its first day on the job.... i was thrown work and expected to complete it. i was not very sure how to go about it. but i tried. took quite a long time.

did cash section. couldn't finish as not all the bank statements were available.

did FOREX reasonable testing. completed it.

P/L items. was given the thing and i don't know much about the company. how to audit? blur... will continue on wednesday. maybe by then it'll get better..maybe today i'm down because i feel overwhelmed.

worked till 8.30pm. no dinner! what the heck. is my life going to be like that? I miss T&E in church today. totally forgot about my appointment with Christine ,that she called me one hour later to ask where am I? pengsan!! I really dunno how to justify myself.

think its all the fatigue that is accumulating.... been sleeping less than 6 hours the whole of last week. and weekend was just so busy! burnt! doing MEET video.... but still we couldn't get it done for FOC.

and also feeling sad that i left my friend who called me on sunday morning to say she wanted to come to church with me! i was elated. but she was late for the shuttle and i left without her. i did that cos someone else was with me (going to chruch too) and she didn't want to meet my other friend. was torn. just pray that God will give me another chance.

anyway, tmr is my convo. I should cheer myself up.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Some updates about me

I've started work already.... in Deloitte, S'pore as an audit asst. Been attending trainning for the last 2 weeks, one more to go...then I'll be out in the field working.

Am adjusting to my new environment.... colleagues, schedule. Been busy lately with my MEET report and all, there's just not much time for my ownself... like exercise, blogging etc. Hmmph hopefully I'll settle down soon.

Thank God for the new friends I made among my A10s. Just hope that as I tackle this new relationship called "colleague" I'll be able to know how to form lasting friendships from here. Just don't know how deep people want to know each other. But hey, I'm hoping to form friendships, not just colleagues or acquiantances. Though I know it is a delicate balance, since this is the corporate world and sometimes, its vicious! Never we are all competing...but I never look at things this way... just that I've been warned. Hmm.. that's why I'm praying for wisdom as I explore this "colleague" relationship.

Also, am hoping that I will be salt and light. Am struggling with my own spiritual walk. In my first week, it really dawned on me how easy it is to just fall away as a Christian. How easy it is for my heart to grow cold. I just pray and sincerely ask God to grant me grace through out my life, especially as an auditor. Pray that the things I've seen in Japan, the lives of the Christians there will also remind me of how Christ is worth living for. Pray that God will continue to remain very real to me... that I will be constantly be aware of His presence.

Glad for the time spent with Rhoda. It was really a good chat and a time of encouraging each other spiritually...hope to do it more often.

And my convocation is on 24 July at 2pm. Sad... only parents coming. CF friends will be in FOC, cell members at work... bro and sis got class. What kind of timing is that? Of course only my batchmates will be around... at least something.