This wild goose chase is meaningless! What kind of life is this?!
I'm just being overwhelmed by so many things... studies, curicular points, ASSignments... as though I got no other things better to do. What does all these boil down to in the end? Nothing.
This society sucks... doesn't anyone learn to be content? And why... it's so morally degrading... there's even free flow of beer for students on Union Day. What kind of value is that? Back home everything haram...
Sigh... I just wanna get hold of what is eternal. Earthly things never satisfy... in fact it drains every bit out of you. Time to get back to work.... what?!
I'm just being overwhelmed by so many things... studies, curicular points, ASSignments... as though I got no other things better to do. What does all these boil down to in the end? Nothing.
This society sucks... doesn't anyone learn to be content? And why... it's so morally degrading... there's even free flow of beer for students on Union Day. What kind of value is that? Back home everything haram...
Sigh... I just wanna get hold of what is eternal. Earthly things never satisfy... in fact it drains every bit out of you. Time to get back to work.... what?!