Sueanne's Story Unfolds

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Monday, August 01, 2005

In Bed With A Vietnamese

The pace is starting to pick up. There's so much reading to do.... tons of papers to read and some of them makes absolutely no sense to me....sigh...

My room is also overpacked. Four of us staying in a room meant for two. It's quite cramp and we have to share bed, table and space. Two of us sleeping on a single bed! Goodness.... the original plan was that my friend sleeps on the floor. She's currently waiting for a room in hostel but it seems that it won't happen. But she complained the floor was too cold and I decided to just share bed. Wah..... really wierd, but what to do. Hope I didn't hug her in my sleep. Terrible...

Anyway, it's funny, why I am surrounded by Vietnamese. My current roomie is also Vietnamese. And my room is being occupied by Vietnamese. One of my close friend is Vietnamese. Wonder if God is sending me a a message....


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