Sueanne's Story Unfolds

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The G word - Guilt

Having a splendid time here in Phuket. My parents and I deicded to make a short trip round the southern region of Thailand. We left for Surathani last Thursday. Took almost a whole day's journey to cross the peninsula from the Andaman Sea to the Gulf of Thailand. Journey was superb. Guided only by a road map, as all road signs are in Thai, we mange to find our way. Beautiful scenery, mangrove swamp, limestone hills and forests. Awesome.... guilty that I forgot to bring my camera.

There, we ate seafood, tons of them. In one meal, we had huge raw oysters, crabs, prawns that look like lobster, wow, it was fantastic. Ate till I felt so guilty that I over ate.

Anyway, a friend took us to visit oyster farms, which produce the best oyster in Thailand and also fresh water prawn farm.

On the way home to Phuket, we decided to make a trip down to Krabi. I got the opportunity to drive on the highway in a foreign land. What's more it's my first time driving a car, beside the Kelisa, which I always drive. The one and only car I ever drove. Afraid initially, but my parents were encouraging.

Krabi was deserted. Badly affected by the tsunami, and building were still not repaired compared to phuket. Sad to see the people having nothing to do, as there are hardly any tourist. But on the other hand, mother nature had return everything back to the way it was before development came in.

The trip was really enjoyable. Travelled a few hundred kilometres. Worth while.
Guilty, all the sweet memories will only be in my mind.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Now In Phuket I'm in Phuket with my parents. Holidaying... :)

Arrived yesterday. Ate and ate like nobody's business. Stomach overloaded. Not sure of what I'm going to do here, but hope to enjoy my stay here!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Now I'm In KL

Time seems to fly so fast and yet so slow. Been complaining I got nothing to do and zap! it's almost a month since I'm on my summer break. Dunno where all the time went. Hope I've spend it well.

Yeah, yeah, i admit I've kinda wasted it.

Friday, May 13, 2005

So Bored

Sigh... this holiday sucks. Yeah, I know I should be enjoying my long break...but doing nothing is really driving me nuts. Really don't feel like doing anything.

I've even realized doing something to much make me feel sick. Like being too long in front of the idiot box. Channel surf, click, switch channel, watch a while then jelak of the show and the cycle starts again. Really. Until my body just feel so lemah

The worst part is I'm stuck alone in the house. No brother or sister to talk to. Mum and dad always seems to be busy doing something. And even worse, my dad doesn't allow me to stay alone at home or go out. What! They went even to the extend of asking a friend to accompany me last night when they went out for prayer meeting.

Guess they worry bout my safety since the incident where someone stole a pipe at the back of our house a few days ago. I don't know why in the wide world would someone do that. come on, a pipe cost only a few bucks, but the repair cost a hundred man! plus the water that gushed out for who knows how much.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Back Home

back home for the holidays. Hurray!!!

Finally, I can throw away my books and just laze around the house, play all the computer games and catch p on movies... yipee!! yeah, sounds like I was sooo deprived of all this in Singapore. But, but the internet connection at home is so arrrggghhh!!!! slow! For goodness sake, I spent more time waiting for things to download than to do my stuff. So that means, less blogging, only when I can connect to the net.

Guess that's all about things...nothing happening la...just enjoying my time with my family... smiles