Being domesticated
Trying to pass away time fruitfully...

Had my sebaceous cyst on my faced removed on Friday.. My have 3 stickes on my face! Looks more like a huge mole from far, since the thread is black! Taking it off tomorrow.
Made apple pie on Saturday. At the first attempt..quite pleased that it turn out quite well. Haha.. tastes as nice as it looks.. muahaha. 
Sunday, celebrated Fathers' Day with the church... just that my dad wasn't around. He was on a mission trip to Kelantan. Made ice cream in the afternoon. Learnt the recipe from our Japanese host. With the help of my sis, we made 4 tubs with different flavours each! Original, Milo, Appricot and Choc Chips! Too bad no pictures.
Monday, made a trip to Singapore to visit my company and apply for PR. Then house searching.
Today, will be cooking lunch for my family! First time... and will be cooking Hokkaido stew which I bought back from Japan. Hope it turns out nice!
Am also rotting away at home, watched 3 X-men back to back. Not to mention 3 CSI back to back too. Hahaha...