Orang Asli Trip 21 - 22 June 08
Above is the only water tap in the village. People bathe and do the dishes there. In the back ground is one the the houses they live in. Their houses were built on the mountain slope. When we first arrived, we were quite afraid of how are we going to climb the slope with a bag of 10kg rice? haha, the kids looked like mountain deers running up and down the slope... but we eventually made it :)
Inside, is one huge hall. They do everything in one sinlge space. Cook, eat, sleep... lepak whatever. The house we put the night in was the Tuk Penghulu's. And it was bigger, which a smaller room for their clothings.
Above is the fire over which they were preparing dinner. The villages eat only once a day. And usually if any visitors come by, they will gather together and cook a feast - we had bamboo shoot, petai and sardines... excellent! not to mentioned eating with our fingers, on the mat.
Before dinner, the team decided to take our bath in the river. It was crystal clear and the water was sooooooo refreshing!
After dinner, we presented 2 mimes and had a sing-a-long sessiong with the villagers.
Sleeping in the hut was a hot, hot experience, but when the morning comes, it becomes so cold! Thankfully, the night passed without any "events".
The next morning, we conducted out sunday service. Worshipped together and the kids when for the children ministry. The adults remained in the hut and Sally (our TL) shared some basics about Christianity and about struggles in life. After that, she openned the altar for people to be prayed for.... k, i got to admit i had difficulty praying in Malay :S
After the service, the medical team kicked into action. They conducted a talk on community health and had a clinic. Above is a picture of my sister in action.
After reflecting on this trip, I guess there are a few things that really matters. We lived in luxury and these kids here have so little. Most of them drink coffee, instead of milk. How can they ever get enough nutrients? Where I am now, people feast like crazy...
I must say that this trip is definitely different from the two previous trips I've been. And this definitely speaks more as this is my home country...