I'm mentally drained
My parents think I am stressed...more than during exam period.
Began my search for a place to stay after exams...in addition to clearing my stuff, packing, shifting and preparing for my mission trip.
For example, yesterday was the start of exco retreat. 9am left room, went to Agape Methodist for meeting till 1pm. Lunch, came back to room to shift books to NUS (and sell them BEFORE AGM). Reach there at 5.15pm, 15 minutes earlier, but no one was there (suppose to start at 5.45pm). And when the people came, they just went straight into the AGM. NO time to browse books.
K, great... after much thinking, we decided to just wait till it was over and grab hold of those leaving. Also decided to give them away free as we didn't want to have any leftovers. But in the end it turns out that even free stuff was not enough to get them to go home with a book in hand.
I left at 10pm. Thank GOd for Shawn and Sam who was with me. Didn't know what I would do without them! Reached home at 11pm. Slept 2am.
Following morning was MEET, 9am in NUS...go there again!
Sometimes, I feel unappreciated. All the effort I put in. ANd some take me forgranted. But then God reminded me that isn't that the self talking. I should put others before me. Jesus came as a servant... was just memorizing Phi 2. Think what can be a more appropriate time than this to internalize this.
And the second thing which is driving me nuts is looking for a place. I thought I had found it. After following the classifields everyday, calling endless numbers .. talking, and viewing two places ...$1100, basic furniture, direct bus to office n church, 24 hour foodcourt downstairs, owner that was willing to wait 1.5 months for me. But my friend was not comfortable with the idea of $550 every month..
And I just got back from another viewing today. To cut everything short, I'm not in a very good mood now. Property prices are shooting like nobody's business... owners who are using this to their advantage n having superior bargaining power... And to deal with agents.. And other people who are also looking for a place but have no problem with budget...
its pushing me beyond what I can handle.. plus my parents here. I appreciate them coming down but it also adds another party whom I have to please.
Was worried, stressed.. whatever. Mum reminded me that God will provide. We have someone others don't have - God with us, our God who is Jehovah Jireh. He knows I need a place. He knows I will be away to bring His gospel elsewhere. He has proven He is more than able to provide (an obvious example, MEET fund has surplus of more than 10% our original target). He has given me a hostel room to stay the whole 3 years of my uni life... which I was also quite stressed about, worried that I will not have enough points to get a room. Bu tHe gave me a place to stay and I didn't even have to move out and got my room way in the first round.
I think I am yet in another test of how much I can trust Him. Lord, teach me to surrender my everything to You and be more concern not about this earthly dwelling but the eternal one. Teach me to trust You... just as You've provided for all those who seek You first. The testimony of so many people I read, like George Muller, Hudson Taylor that is still fresh in my memory...
Sueanne, Trust in Me, says the Lord.
Yes, God, I will put my trust in You.
Began my search for a place to stay after exams...in addition to clearing my stuff, packing, shifting and preparing for my mission trip.
For example, yesterday was the start of exco retreat. 9am left room, went to Agape Methodist for meeting till 1pm. Lunch, came back to room to shift books to NUS (and sell them BEFORE AGM). Reach there at 5.15pm, 15 minutes earlier, but no one was there (suppose to start at 5.45pm). And when the people came, they just went straight into the AGM. NO time to browse books.
K, great... after much thinking, we decided to just wait till it was over and grab hold of those leaving. Also decided to give them away free as we didn't want to have any leftovers. But in the end it turns out that even free stuff was not enough to get them to go home with a book in hand.
I left at 10pm. Thank GOd for Shawn and Sam who was with me. Didn't know what I would do without them! Reached home at 11pm. Slept 2am.
Following morning was MEET, 9am in NUS...go there again!
Sometimes, I feel unappreciated. All the effort I put in. ANd some take me forgranted. But then God reminded me that isn't that the self talking. I should put others before me. Jesus came as a servant... was just memorizing Phi 2. Think what can be a more appropriate time than this to internalize this.
And the second thing which is driving me nuts is looking for a place. I thought I had found it. After following the classifields everyday, calling endless numbers .. talking, and viewing two places ...$1100, basic furniture, direct bus to office n church, 24 hour foodcourt downstairs, owner that was willing to wait 1.5 months for me. But my friend was not comfortable with the idea of $550 every month..
And I just got back from another viewing today. To cut everything short, I'm not in a very good mood now. Property prices are shooting like nobody's business... owners who are using this to their advantage n having superior bargaining power... And to deal with agents.. And other people who are also looking for a place but have no problem with budget...
its pushing me beyond what I can handle.. plus my parents here. I appreciate them coming down but it also adds another party whom I have to please.
Was worried, stressed.. whatever. Mum reminded me that God will provide. We have someone others don't have - God with us, our God who is Jehovah Jireh. He knows I need a place. He knows I will be away to bring His gospel elsewhere. He has proven He is more than able to provide (an obvious example, MEET fund has surplus of more than 10% our original target). He has given me a hostel room to stay the whole 3 years of my uni life... which I was also quite stressed about, worried that I will not have enough points to get a room. Bu tHe gave me a place to stay and I didn't even have to move out and got my room way in the first round.
I think I am yet in another test of how much I can trust Him. Lord, teach me to surrender my everything to You and be more concern not about this earthly dwelling but the eternal one. Teach me to trust You... just as You've provided for all those who seek You first. The testimony of so many people I read, like George Muller, Hudson Taylor that is still fresh in my memory...
Sueanne, Trust in Me, says the Lord.
Yes, God, I will put my trust in You.
hei juz to let u know I added a link to your blog from mine. Lemme know uf u are ok with ityea... anyway juz life yer eyes up when u r down! Cheers...
Joygerm, at 5:23 PM
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