Sueanne's Story Unfolds

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Monday, March 19, 2007

God, My Provider


Went to collect our air tickets to Japan on Saturday. Rushed down from the wedding to orchard! walked with that super high heels... so fast as the office was about to close. And thank God for His protection. I carried $3500 in cash! yes, the travel agency didn't have a NETS machine. Thank God, I made it safely to the office, alone... my team leader was suppose to come along, but last minute had to go clinic..

Then, upon payment, the agent told me that the airlines was going to charge another $150 per ticket cos of the extra stop over in Taipei. What?! Made some noise and agent said will call the airline on monday to bargain. What to do? I just prayed. Pray so hard...

So, this morning, she called me... we don't have to pay! Elated! Save $600.. heee

Also, Sunday service... Pastor Satish shared how God called him into the ministry, out of nothing.... today, he has more than enough. His secret - to trust God, give as much as you fact more... freely you give, freely you receive. God told Him to trust and never ever hint, beg or ask money from anyone.

These 40 years of ministry, he hasn't and kept to God's promise... He has never lacked anything. He said if you trust in people, organisation, church... that is how much you will receive. But if you trust in God, it just blows your mind.

Wondering for I raise funds for MEET. I gotta admit, eventhough I tried to tell myself I will trust in Him and not beg, hint or anything of that sort... I kinda failed. I relied on my own understanding. Eventhough I pray everyday to Him, I thought I try to do things my way too. This message kind of struck me so hard...

This little incident of $600 has reminded me God is my provider.... I shall trust in Him alone.

To add, well, today I did my laundry. Woke up at 8.30am. Sun was shinning brightly. Thought good day to dry clothes. Then, now more than an hour after I hang my laundry, dark clouds came... oh oh... Thought gonna rain... Prayed. And it didn't rain! My clothes took a little longer than usual to dry. But bottomline is God gave me good weather.


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