God and the Atheist
Just finish reading the book by Paul Ferguson.
Pretty interesting book as this Christian lawyer rebutts the arguments of an atheist. In short, he proves that there is a God and Christ is the only one God and that the Bible is the Word of God. He tests the atheist's theory and shows that being an athiest only causes for confusion as he will contradict himself. Not to mention that it will take faith to be an athiest too.
Among the things he tackles are cosmological, divine design, morality, consciousness and the meaning of life. Later he gives historical evidence that the Bible is indeed true compared to other religions teaching.
Highly recommend it. here is the online version. Easy reading. Strongly encouraged to read as it helps our own understanding and equipts us to answer questions. If not at least read chapter 7 onwards and the appendix.
Some extracts:
Science has improved our understanding of life but it cannot account for everything. As William Lane Craig cited in his debate with atheist Peter Atkins, science cannot explain:
1. Mathematics and logic (science cannot prove them because it pre-supposes them),
2. Metaphysical truths (such as, there are minds that exist other than my own),
3. Ethical judgments (you can’t prove by science that the Nazis were evil, because morality is not subject to the scientific method),
4. Aesthetic judgments (the beautiful, like the good, cannot be scientifically proven) and, ironically
5. Science itself - the belief that the scientific method (i.e. searching for causes by observation and repetition) discovers truth can’t be proven by the scientific method itself. Science itself is simply a product of the mind.
If science cannot explain all of the above, the way is surely open for alternative explanations with religion being the leading candidate to fill the vacuum. Christianity especially can provide meaningful answers to these most fundamental questions. To all reasonable people, this would seem an eminently sensible approach.
The question of God’s existence is something that very few people are indifferent about. Indeed, atheists often have the strongest emotions in a discussion concerning it which itself is suggestive. Journalist and Yale educated lawyer, Lee Strobel investigated the existence of God and concluded that if he were to embrace atheistic Darwinism and its underlying premise of naturalism he would have to believe that:
· Nothing produces everything
· Non-life produces life
· Randomness produces fine-tuning
· Chaos produces information
· Unconsciousness produces consciousness
· Non-reason produces reason
Pretty interesting book as this Christian lawyer rebutts the arguments of an atheist. In short, he proves that there is a God and Christ is the only one God and that the Bible is the Word of God. He tests the atheist's theory and shows that being an athiest only causes for confusion as he will contradict himself. Not to mention that it will take faith to be an athiest too.
Among the things he tackles are cosmological, divine design, morality, consciousness and the meaning of life. Later he gives historical evidence that the Bible is indeed true compared to other religions teaching.
Highly recommend it. here is the online version. Easy reading. Strongly encouraged to read as it helps our own understanding and equipts us to answer questions. If not at least read chapter 7 onwards and the appendix.
Some extracts:
Science has improved our understanding of life but it cannot account for everything. As William Lane Craig cited in his debate with atheist Peter Atkins, science cannot explain:
1. Mathematics and logic (science cannot prove them because it pre-supposes them),
2. Metaphysical truths (such as, there are minds that exist other than my own),
3. Ethical judgments (you can’t prove by science that the Nazis were evil, because morality is not subject to the scientific method),
4. Aesthetic judgments (the beautiful, like the good, cannot be scientifically proven) and, ironically
5. Science itself - the belief that the scientific method (i.e. searching for causes by observation and repetition) discovers truth can’t be proven by the scientific method itself. Science itself is simply a product of the mind.
If science cannot explain all of the above, the way is surely open for alternative explanations with religion being the leading candidate to fill the vacuum. Christianity especially can provide meaningful answers to these most fundamental questions. To all reasonable people, this would seem an eminently sensible approach.
The question of God’s existence is something that very few people are indifferent about. Indeed, atheists often have the strongest emotions in a discussion concerning it which itself is suggestive. Journalist and Yale educated lawyer, Lee Strobel investigated the existence of God and concluded that if he were to embrace atheistic Darwinism and its underlying premise of naturalism he would have to believe that:
· Nothing produces everything
· Non-life produces life
· Randomness produces fine-tuning
· Chaos produces information
· Unconsciousness produces consciousness
· Non-reason produces reason
Frankly, that is just too many coincidences for any rational person to accept. Yet, atheists look you in the eye and boast that they believe this foolishness.
Dr. Harry Ironside, who was a famous Bible preacher, in his younger days used to preach for the Salvation Army in the open air. One day as he was preaching in San Francisco, he noticed a man in the crowd writing on a card, which he presently handed to the speaker. The man was Arthur Lewis, a well-known atheist and lecturer. He proposed a challenge to the speaker to debate the subject, “Atheism versus Christianity,” and offered to pay all expenses involved. Ironside read the card aloud to his audience and then said: “I accept on these conditions: First, that you promise to bring with you to the platform one man who was once an outcast, a slave to sinful habits, but who heard you or some other infidel lecture on atheism, was helped by it and cast away his sins and became a new man and is today a respected member of society, all because of your unbelief. Second, that you agree to bring with you one woman who was once lost to all purity and goodness, but who can now testify that atheism came to her while deep in sin and implanted in her poor heart a hatred of impurity and a love of holiness, causing her to become chaste and upright, all through a disbelief in the Bible.”
“Now, sir,” he continued, “if you will agree, I promise to be there with one hundred such men and women once just such lost souls, who heard the gospel of the grace of God, believed it and have found new life and joy in Jesus Christ our Saviour. Will you accept my terms?”
The atheist Lewis could only walk silently away! He knew as well as anyone that only this Bible has the power to transform lives! Absolute truth is universal; it is applicable everywhere, at any time, and in any group of people. The Bible is applicable everywhere, at any moment, and among any people simply because the Bible is absolute truth.
“Now, sir,” he continued, “if you will agree, I promise to be there with one hundred such men and women once just such lost souls, who heard the gospel of the grace of God, believed it and have found new life and joy in Jesus Christ our Saviour. Will you accept my terms?”
The atheist Lewis could only walk silently away! He knew as well as anyone that only this Bible has the power to transform lives! Absolute truth is universal; it is applicable everywhere, at any time, and in any group of people. The Bible is applicable everywhere, at any moment, and among any people simply because the Bible is absolute truth.
My next book: Da Vinci Code
Hi Sue.Just here to wish you a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy new Year._Michelle Chee(16/12)
michelle_upm, at 8:59 PM
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