Sueanne's Story Unfolds

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Been reading a book written by a doctor who served among the leprosy patients in India for 19 years. It is interesting how He likens the physical body to the spiritual body, the Church in so many ways. And it is really giving me a fresh understanding of the Church as a body.

Like to share an extract of the book -

Consider the world as if it were shrunk down to a village of 100 persons:

In our town of 100 -
There would be 60 Asians, 12 Eueopeans, 13 Africans and 14 from the entire Western Hemisphere

25 live in standard housing, 20 suffer from malnutrition, 26 of adults are unable to read

20 people possess 90% of the town's wealth. Of the rest, almost half get by on less that $2 a day

2 have college education and 4 own a computer

Qouted from In The Likeness of God, by Philip Yancey & Dr Paul Brand

Make your own conclusion... but personally, I feel a burden God has given me, has something to do with the quote above.
And it really saddens me to see unequal distribution of wealth. Just look at Myanmar now.
Many people in other places of the world need help. And I pray that the we, Christians, would learn how to release the resources & talents God has given us to help them... and not be like tumour fat cells who would just store the nutrients but to learn to release when the time comes.


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