Sueanne's Story Unfolds

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Monday, August 29, 2005


This wild goose chase is meaningless! What kind of life is this?!

I'm just being overwhelmed by so many things... studies, curicular points, ASSignments... as though I got no other things better to do. What does all these boil down to in the end? Nothing.

This society sucks... doesn't anyone learn to be content? And why... it's so morally degrading... there's even free flow of beer for students on Union Day. What kind of value is that? Back home everything haram...

Sigh... I just wanna get hold of what is eternal. Earthly things never satisfy... in fact it drains every bit out of you. Time to get back to work.... what?!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Festival of Praise 2005

Last weekend Hillsong and Delirious was in town! To cut the whole story short, God opened a way for me to go.
At first, I thought it was a mistake. By the time I reach the stadium, I was already flooded with people, queing up to get in. Mind you, it was 3 hours before the concert started. Consert, I thought. You know me la, not the type to go for all this thing....

Vivienne, Lan and I manage to get a seat directly across the stage. By the time Darlene and Delirious got to the stage, everyone started screaming! I thought what the heck! This is a Chirstian meeting but it sounded so secular.

Anyway, the worship started.

The crowd of over 10 000 people stood to sing and worship our God on High. Must admit, with the crowd this big, it was an overwhelming experience for me. Felt God's presence. Just dunno how to put it in words, but it's just overwhelming.

Then came the sermon, offering and prayer for S'pore.

But most importantly, SOULS came into the kingdom. When Darlene invited those who wanted to be save, people litterally came running down to the front. Think got almost a hundred.

I just didn't know what to feel. The way she made the call was so gentle. Now I can see why, She's one of the world's reknown Christian. God's anointing is just upon her. Then, the sight of so many people coming to the front reminded me of the passion I was had.

The last one year here has changed me. I guess for the worse. It's really a rat race here...and it's so easy to loose the passion for Christ. Was reminded of the days at Youth Camp. All the prayers and commitment made...

All this flashed through my mind.

Then there was a corporate prayer for all those there in the Stadium, lead by her. Can't really remember exactly what the prayer was about. But I knew, God saw my need to be revived spiritually and to be filled.

It's my first time seeing so many come together just to praise our God. Really encourage and challenge me spiritually.
Really thank God for all that has happened over the weekend. I hope to carry this flame!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

I Wanna Go Home....

It's just two weeks here but I just feel like going home so much! I miss home....sob...sob...
Miss the comfort of my home, my bed (now that there's two of us sharing one), my family....

I guess it's because of my friend, Caryn who's going home every week. Kinda make me feel like that. But on the other hand, I got sooooo much things to do... piles of papers to read, most of them taking hours to complete. Even after reading, I don't fully understand or remember what the heck it's about. sigh.... bodoh betul la..... really. The ammount of time I spend reading is so much compared to others. Wonder what's the secret?

Anyway, thank God there's something to look forward to since tomorrow's Sunday.

Monday, August 01, 2005

In Bed With A Vietnamese

The pace is starting to pick up. There's so much reading to do.... tons of papers to read and some of them makes absolutely no sense to me....sigh...

My room is also overpacked. Four of us staying in a room meant for two. It's quite cramp and we have to share bed, table and space. Two of us sleeping on a single bed! Goodness.... the original plan was that my friend sleeps on the floor. She's currently waiting for a room in hostel but it seems that it won't happen. But she complained the floor was too cold and I decided to just share bed. Wah..... really wierd, but what to do. Hope I didn't hug her in my sleep. Terrible...

Anyway, it's funny, why I am surrounded by Vietnamese. My current roomie is also Vietnamese. And my room is being occupied by Vietnamese. One of my close friend is Vietnamese. Wonder if God is sending me a a message....